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Was Nadler & Pelosi Paid Off Because Trump is Trying to Pullout of Middle East?

Jerrold Nadler from the 10th district of New York City has probably done far more damage to the nation than any person who has ever been elected to Congress. He has...


The likelihood of Trump being removed from office by the Senate is zero. However, the Democrats may be preparing to impeach Trump twice. While this current...

The Democrats’ Impeachment is Unconstitutional

To achieve this impeachment, the Democrats ORDERED all Democrats “MUST” vote for impeachment even if they disagreed. This is clearly a total denial of...

Impeachment Coup to Overthrow Trump

It has been obvious that the Intelligence community has tried to both prevent Trump from being elected and to overthrow his presidency. This Impeachment has turned...

Impeachment Chaos

The entire impeachment process is bringing into focus serious constitutional questions. First, Congress must actually send the impeachment documents to the Senate....

Trump is 3rd President to be Impeached – But Will This Cost the Democrats?

The House voted to impeach Trump as expect along party lines 230-197 to charge Trump with abuse of power and 229-198 to charge him with obstruction of Congress....

The Reality of Crises

QUESTION: Martin- I am a recent new member and just finished reading the REPO Crisis Report. As an individual, not an institution, it was a steep price but well...

IMPEACHMENT – Big Risk for Democrats

The House vote on impeaching Trump may be the stake through the heart of the Democratic Party. Most of the people newly elected were extremely left and they remain...

British Elections are a Warning to Democrats

  I have been warning that our computer has been projecting the decline and fall of socialism. Moreover, we have pointed out that the Democrats are actually in...

FBI, Comey & Hillary – The Model Couple of Integrity

James Comey is now trying to “cover his ass” after being confronted by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz who found that the FBI’s handling of...