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Legislation to Force Testing or Bar you From the Public

MEHPA stands for Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. It is a draft of model legislation to increase state powers to respond to bio-terrorism or other outbreaks...

Will Bernie Lead to the Split in the Democratic Party?

  Bernie is not a typical career politician. He at least believes in communism. He preaches what he actually believes. Therein lies the problem. In California,...

Trump – Mar-a-Lago – Coronavirus

President Trump declared a national emergency in Washington today. The market rallied on his announced measures and closed above the target number we provided for...

Cycles of Internal Political Confrontation Turned up March 10, 2020

COMMENT: Marty, you make so many forecasts on so many aspects of the world economy in politics, I am not sure you even keep track. You wrote back on March 9, 2017:...

Romney Positioning for VP on Democratic Ticket with Hillary?

QUESTION: Mit Romney was against Trump on every possible level right into the impeachment. Some think he will somehow become a Democrat to try to get into the White...

2020 Super Tuesday – Trump Received More Votes Than the Democrats

COMMENT: Marty; I have read that Trump has managed to break several turnout and vote-count records in blue states and key swing states and racked up more votes than...

PRIVATE BLOG – Goldman Sachs Forecasting Bull Market Over & the Crisis Ahead

PRIVATE BLOG – Goldman Sachs Forecasting Bull Market Over & the Crisis Ahead Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up...

Jawboning the Fed on Cutting Rates

COMMENT: Hello Martin, I see President Trump is still calling for interest rate cuts from the Fed. I know he is a businessman and with the current situation is he...

Elizabeth Warren Pulls the Plug on Her Campaign

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has pulled the plug on her campaign, reducing the Democratic presidential contest to a two-man race. All my sources have been talking about...

Rigging the Democratic Elections

COMMENT: Marty, JB here. As always, I love you Man!!! I just watched the Joe Rogan interview with Bernie Sanders. I was impressed with Bernie’s clever use of...