One of the biggest donors behind the Democrats is Bernard Schwartz who is the CEO of BLS Investments. Schwartz has been trying to plead with Pelosi to support...
I have stated before that Marxism/socialism has led to more deaths than all the other justifications for war or killing combined. The Communist movements of Russia,...
Just to let everyone know, since more than 50% of our clients are outside the USA, we have a very international reach with sources around the globe. Get prepared...
QUESTION: Wasn’t Bloomberg part of the manipulation of the US Treasury Auctions at Salomon Brothers? JF ANSWER: No, he sold out to Phibro and was not asked to...
COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, love the blog. it’s the first thing I read every morning. on the subject of Mike Bloomberg, you mentioned the stop and frisk controversy...
Democracy is dying and it just looks like we have to go into the crash and burn. President Trump won more votes than any incumbent ever in history in New Hampshire....
COMMENT: I was raised a Democrat. Your forecast that the Democrats would split by 2020 which you made more than 10 years ago I did not believe at the time....
Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders were the winners in Iowa. Biden is really dead in the water as is Elizabeth Warren. We will most likely see Hillary enter the game...
COMMENT: Dear Martin, I consider myself a “political atheist and have the habit of informing myself by following a wide variety of quality news sources (from...
I previously warned that the Democrats were considering a second Impeachment. The Democrats cannot defeat Trump in a fair election. They have sought to effectively...