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Let the Political Games Begin – Battle to the Death

Well when our computer warned that the 2020 election was going to be the most contested and violent, we just saw how it will kick-off. The impeachment trial has...

Iowa Caucus

  The two big winners among the Democrats were Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Sanders drew heavy support from nearly half of 17-29-year-olds (48 percent)...

Has Pelosi Ensured the Breakup of the Democratic Party?

What is very clear is that we no longer have a functioning government. This impeachment of Trump has been a desperate attempt to stage a fake impeachment for the...

Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Against Biden For Abuse of Power

  Well, things have gotten even more dramatic. It has been confirmed as reported in Les Crises that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has filed...

Was the Impeachment a Sham?

QUESTION: Do you think the Trump acquittal was fair? HB ANSWER: Yes. This whole thing is political and was staged for the election. Pelosi said she opposed...

The Impeachment Trial to Influence the 2020 Election

QUESTION: You do not have comments on the impeachment trial? HS ANSWER: Comments are just my OPINION, which is irrelevant to forecasting. This is just a topless...

Hillary Says She “Feels” the Urge to Run Against Trump Again

COMMENT: Marty, nobody can compete with your sources. You said they were very good. It looks like demanding witnesses by the Democrats they know what they are...

Hillary Refuses to Support Bernie & Dark Secrets of the Past

COMMENT: Marty, your writings are always ahead of the curve and your sources are amazing. Just read today Hillary gave an interview and she is obviously trying to...

Will Adam Schiff Lose in 2020? Will He be Compelled to Testify?

There has been an interesting cyclical movement back and forth in The California 28th District from which Adam Schiff resides. While he represents West Hollywood,...

Should Hillary Have Been President?

COMMENT: You just support Trump. Hillary won the popular vote and should be in the white house. HB REPLY: You seem to think that the popular vote should pick the...