QUESTION: You have been silent on the Trump impeachment proceedings. What is your opinion? HT ANSWER: It is just a dog and pony show all intent upon trashing Trump...
Well it came out that Bernie Sanders wants to take the fossil fuel companies to CRIMINAL COURT. I find this really interesting. First, much of the land is owned...
QUESTION: Marty, is it true that Al Gore was behind the Y2K scare back in 2000 that all the computers would crash and nothing happened? JC ANSWER: Yes. It was Al...
QUESTION: Regarding the repo crisis blog. Surely president Trump would be interested in what you do. Am I just being naive? I mean if the administration were kept...
QUESTION: I know you were rather close to Sir Alan and Prime Minister Thatcher. I also know you are close to a number of politicians here in Britain. I was at your...
COMMENT: Good afternoon I would like to share a testimony to Marty: I am french and have attended a conference of technology in Germany last weekend, in which...
There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop...
There were allegations raised that Google was manipulating the news to help Hillary. They allegedly steered 2.6 million votes to Hillary and had far more of an...
Warren’s Wealth Tax is so destructive to the economy and demonstrates that she listens to Thomas Piketty, the French communist pretend economist. She wants to...