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Mueller’s Report Confirms there was No Russian Hack to Begin With

Mueller’s Report is what was expected. The entire proposed Russian hack was really simply gained by a fake email saying reset your password known as...

Julian II – The Trump of Rome?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to have studied history more than any professor I ever met. So I am directing this question to you. Did Rome have their Trump who...

The Justice Democrats

People have no idea that the Justice Democrats really stand for injustice. Their platform is the subjugation of everyone who disagrees and to force their beliefs...

It’s Mueller Time!

While the Democrats and Trump haters were desperately counting on Mueller’s report, anyone with a shred of common sense would have known there would not be...

The Sex Trade & Trump’s Wall

The recent incident involving Patriots owner Robert Kraft’s solicitation charges only reveals the strange opposition to Trump’s wall by the Democrats....

AOC’s Support May Be More Vulnerable Than Anyone Wants to Talk About

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that that AOC won for the same reason that Trump won, just vote against the incumbent. Do you see her being elected again in 2020?...

Will the Democrats Split into Two Parties after AOC’s Threats?

The Democrats cheered the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for they were sure that they were now going to be the party of the millennials. However, there...

The Rise of Hate Politics

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your insight and for Socrates~~~I am wondering why you lend any energy at all to Ocasio~~~she is both stupid AND dishonest~~~yet I...

Cohen & His Allegations Against Trump

While historically there have been three major events that altered political history, everyone on the left are cheering Cohen for what they hope will be the fourth....