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Democrats Can’t Beat Trump With All Actors & Media on Their SIde

Despite having Hollywood, Google, Mainstream Media, and countless violent activists, the Democrats still can’t beat Trump. They just do not comprehend what is...

“Meddling” in the 2000 Russian Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I watched your movie the Forecaster with great interest. I then watched the Showtime interview of Putin by Oliver Stone. It suddenly...

When Illegal Aliens & Dead People Vote – Elections Change

The research group, Just Facts, has released a study at post election polling from the 2008 elections that put Obama in the White House.  The data has led to the...

In a NY Play they Stab Trump 100 Times for Entertainment

Many people have written in about my observation that the left is always violent and where revolution typically emerges. The hatred of the leftist community for...

Putin Offers Comey Assylum

Putin made a joke that was on point. He said that since the former FBI Director James Comey, secretly made notes of his conversation with US President Donald Trump...

McCain v Putin – Match of the Century for 3 seconds Perhaps

McCain’s hatred of Putin is beyond description. He would love nothing more than to start World War III with someone. Since war today would result in the...

McCain Defends Hillary & Wants to Start an Energy Trade War

John McCain wants new sanctions against Russia and it is these politicians who are the greatest threat to the world economy. Imposing such sanctions will only...

The Impeachment of Trump – $35

We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal...

French Parliament Elections Tomorrow June 18th

Macron was hoping to have a super majority that his new party would sweep the election to give him ultimate power. However, the latest poll taken by BFMTV showed a...