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Wikileaks & DNC Emails Show Conspiracy Against Bernie

The hacking of the Democratic Party has been an eye-opener. WikiLeaks dumped a massive load of e-mails from the Democratic National Committee onto the web on...

Taiwan v China: Is it Time for Confrontation?

The tension between China and Taiwan has been going on for decades. Historically, the Republic of China was a state established in East Asia from 1912 to 1949 on...

The Week in Review – July 11, 2016

The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of...

French Pay $14,500 Per Month for Hollande to Get His Hair Cut

Hollande is a socialist to the core; he claimed to hate the rich, yet spends taxpayers’ money like nobody else. He spends $14,500 per month for haircuts....

Bank Runs in Turkey

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I am in line with folks emptying ATMs in Turkey during a military coup attempt. I can keep you updated. CI REPLY: Human nature is the same all...

Military Coup Unfolding in Turkey

There is a military coup attempt to seize power from Erdogan, who may be the most unpopular head of state ever to hold office. Low flying jets and gunfire have been...

Nice Terror Attack Threatens European Uprising

Just the other day, Patrick Calvar, head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), France’s equivalent of MI5 or the CIA, warned that in the...

Giuliani says Comey Disgraceful

Most of the people I have spoken to in the legal community are shocked that Comey did not indict Hillary. Comey clearly manipulated statutes by pretending that...

2000 Refugees Sexually Assaulted 1200 German Girls on New Year’s Eve

The refugee crisis in Europe is a real nightmare and the politicians are desperate to hide what is going on. The first incident of sexual assault that finally made...

Since When are Pakistani Boys Qualified Refugees from Syria?

The cover-up of refugees assaulting Swedish girls continues. Police are protecting politicians who refuse to admit what they have done. If you were of any other...