The Scottish government wants a second referendum on independence from the UK. The Parliament in Edinburgh will decide as soon as next week, as the Scottish Prime... The long list of reasons Maxine Waters says Trump should be impeached simply reflect why she is totally incapable of...
For 26-days straight, thousands of people have taken to the streets in order to send the message to Soros and European leaders that the people of Macedonia are a...
COMMENT: With all the talk of the failed healthcare bill, do people not realize the medical and pharma are the biggest lobbyist to Washington? That’s why...
QUESTION: You said McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and that raised the same question as Obama. In your legal view, was Obama qualified to be president or... John McCain was born in Panama, not the United States. There was the same question with Obama – was McCain really...
QUESTION: With the Netherlands voting against Wilders, do you think the tide is turning? Will Europe survive? ANSWER: It may have been a huge sigh of relief for...
When we look at the markets and try to ascertain the long-term direction, we must look at politics closely, for this holds the key. First, this is a Private Wave...