Hiding Behind the Curtain – Best of Both Worlds
December 22, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; I was watching Fox News and on the same show they had Steve Forbes and Steven Moore. I remembered you were friends with Steve Moore when he was at...
PoliticsChristine Lagarde found Guilty at Trial
December 19, 2016
IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of ‘negligence’ over huge payout to business tycoon, but of course there is no jail time. Because of her...
Corruption PoliticsWhy I Oppose George Soros
December 16, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B11DueI6rok Soros, I believe, is trying to do the same thing as Karl Marx. He is funding an experiment to alter society into what he...
Corruption PoliticsJill Stein – The Great Con – People Are Starting to Question Her Motives
December 13, 2016
Jill Stein is really playing very fast and loose with this whole recount thing that serves no purpose. In Wisconsin, 95% of the votes were recounted, and as of...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Corruption PoliticsIndia’s Gold Confiscation & Turkey’s War on Currency
December 13, 2016
QUESTION: Marty; You have been emphasizing not to buy gold bullion but US gold coins such as the $20. You have said that the last time they confiscated gold coin...
Foreign Exchange Gold PoliticsIs CIA Trying to Cover Its Own Hack or Accommodating Obama?
December 13, 2016
Obama’s parting shot across the bow is his order of a full review into hacking aimed at influencing US elections going back to 2008. Instead of targeting the...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Civil Unrest Politics PressPolls in Netherlands Show Political Upset in the Wind
December 9, 2016
Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls and would win if the election were held today in the Netherlands. The political world is still in denial....
Civil Unrest Politics RefugeesAustrian Elections – Still the Anti-Socialist Vote
December 6, 2016
QUESTION: Marty, at the cocktail party you said you did not see the far-right in Austria winning for it was not the same. Then you got pulled off. Just...
PoliticsWhy Politics is So Important Right Now – Markets Depend On The Confidence
December 3, 2016
Our computer has been doing a fantastic job forecasting BREXIT, then Trump and that Hollande would not make the final round for elections in France. But why are...
European Union PoliticsJFK Assassination – Unintended Victim?
December 2, 2016
There is another side to the JFK assassination that does not actually negate some of the conspiracies that surround CIA or military involvement. It may actually...
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