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Rigging Elections – Open Your Eyes

COMMENT: You are just a Trump supporter. The 2020 election was not rigged. Get over it. WH ANSWER: I’m sorry you refuse to look at it objectively. I was asked...

Ramaswamy & Climate

40 years ago they told us an ice age was imminent. Now they tell us that the climate warming is an existential threat to humanity. Which is it? Neither. It’s...

Dating in America

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You are so right about this country being totally screwed. I dated a girl three times. Everything seemed OK. We had similar goals and...

Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a...

The Least Popular GOP Presidential Candidate

No one took Chris Christie seriously when he was the governor of New Jersey. People accuse him of turning voters to Obama in 2016 since he debated so poorly....

Trump’s 3rd Indictment May Backfire

QUESTION: Marty, Your experience in law is well known. What is your opinion of Trump’s new indictment? Paul ANSWER: Never in the entire history of the United...

US Credit Rating & the Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: What do you make of the US debt downgrade? Do you think this has anything to do with indicting Trump in three courts? I know many people decided to donate...

Trump Indicted Again to Interfere in the 2024 Election

I have been warning that 2024 will be the most corrupt election in the history of the United States. Our computer has warned that we may not even have an election...