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The Real Reason Biden Denied RFK Secret Service Protection

Robert F Kennedy Jr. (RFK) knows he is a walking target for exposing nearly every angle of the establishment. Kennedy Jr.’s own father was assassinated in 1968,...

The Biden Administration From Hell

I have dealt with governments around the world. NEVER in my entire career have I EVER witnessed an administration so intent upon pushing a dictatorial regime that...

The Bankers Who Are De-Banking Those They Just Disagree With

  I want to stress that I have been getting emails that the same trend is emerging in the United States. Some banks have embraced WOKE, and with it, they are...

RFK Tells the Truth About Our War with Russia

Bobby Kennedy Jr had the Fox News audience on his side all night. "You do not need to make an enemy out of Russia. We won the Cold War."...

Tucker Carlson Kills Mike Pence’s Presidential Dreams         

Some may have seen the viral clip of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Pence. This interview will be remembered as the nail in the coffin for Pence, who could...

The SMELL of Freedom Featuring Joe Biden

@rjaldridge Just Biden being a creepy PDF file. That poor kid had a very strong reaction to this sicko. #Trump #trump2024 #biden #gross #creepy #fyp #nasty ♬...

The Least Popular President in 70 Years        

Every poll imaginable shows Biden and Harris steeply declining in popularity. Biden’s favorability is now lower than the past 13 presidents. I cannot imagine any...

Are you Still Proud to be an American?

  Once upon a time, being an American and traveling overseas, you had this persona like some halo around your head, and you were actually proud to be an...

The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to...

US Households Paid an Additional $10K Under Biden Regulations

University of Chicago professor Casey Mulligan recently compared regulatory records from the Obama Administration to now. Mulligan found that Biden has imposed the...