Argentina’s new President, Javier Milei, is making headlines around the world for vowing to radically change Argentina’s failing political system. Milei...
The deliberate invasion of America was permitted by the same people who want to give illegals the opportunity to vote. Nonprofit shelters will be required to...
As everyone knows, Nigel Farage. I have NEVER endorsed anyone for political office. Nigel is fighting for freedom. They even debanked him. He is not one of those...
There is a rumor going around that people under socialism faced such severe food shortages that they were forced to break into zoos and eat the animals....
Gov. Kathy Hochul is a menace who is setting fire to what remains of the once beloved state of New York. Hochul is responsible for rule 2.13 and is one of the most...
(Above: Far-right domestic terrorists) The government is watching what you do and who you support. They are first alerting military service members that their...
All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years...
House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to release all of the hidden footage from the January 6 planned insurrection. We know from countless sources that the FBI was on...