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Mexico’s President v Ron DeSantis

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) of Mexico is asking people to vote for a candidate who turns a blind eye to the US-Mexico border crisis. It is out of...

Illegal Residents Permitted to Vote in Texas

The Democrats defeated a proposed bill that would require voters in Texas to be citizens of the United States. I could not simply enter a country where I do not...

The Real Hidden Agenda – It’s Time to take the Red Pill

COMMENT: Martin, I’m gay and I agree with you on this transgender drivel, especially letting male-born athletes compete in women’s sports. It is...

Corporations Losing Their Minds

There has been a huge backlash against Target just like Budweiser. Both boards of directors should be fired and barred from ever serving on any board or any...

NO REFORM without the crash and burn

QUESTION: So you do not think anyone running for office in 2024 will succeed in making any difference? HC ANSWER: No. We have crossed the Rubicon on that score....

You Have 8.6 Years Left – Politics of Fools

QUESTION: Dear Martin, DeSantis announced his run for the Republican candidacy. You’ve mentioned several times he would be eaten by the career politicians in...

The GOP’s Debt Ceiling Demands

The Republicans and Democrats are refusing to agree on the debt ceiling crisis. The government will be unable to pay its bills and the US will default if an...

Trudeau Fails to Explain Democracy to Meloni

Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni tuned out Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he attempted to explain to her “democracy.” Is democracy when you jail...

The Close Mind of Those in Power

  Let’s make one thing clear. Russia is NOT flying jets over Ukraine – it sends in missiles and drones. Why is Biden sending the Jets to Ukraine?...