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Trump vs Biden Debate – The Setup for Hillary

Welcome to the fix. CNN was proud to announce that this was the first debate to ever take place BEFORE each candidate was actually nominated by their respective...

Warner Brothers & CNN Disaster

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Socrates has been so bearish on CNN’s owner, Warner Brothers, and the dabate is so rigged that other networks are even up in arms...

Pro-Palestinian Protests Permitted in Blue States

Pro-Palestinian protestors have been wreaking havoc in US cities for a cause they do not properly understand. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has proved to...

The Trump vs Biden Debate on June 27th, 2024

  Here are the arrays from around the world, and they do show a shift for the 27th when we will witness CNN’s corrupt attempt to interfere in the 2024...

We Need some New Conspiracy Theories Because They Keep Coming True

  I stated that I first encountered this when I had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia to try to buy an island or allow them to migrate and...

Americans Not Concerned About Abortion

Bad news for the Democrats – their only single-voter issue seems to be the lowest priority among voters. The Democrats have long used the Roe v Wade battle as...

Canadians Want Trudeau OUT

Canadians have long been done with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his oppressive regime. The tides for Trudeau turned in a major way during the coronavirus...

A Trump Majority SCOTUS?

Former President Obama has been active in the media lately as he attempts to garner votes for Joe Biden. This certainly does not give the impression of a leader, as...

Italy’s Days Ahead

While we must first go through some hard times, we will NEVER reform until most people see that this is NOT going in the right direction. It is unbelievable. I was...