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Trump is Back

Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election...

Republicans Take the House

The Republican has won the House. It took more than a week for the Associated Press to determine the GOP had won the 218 seats necessary to control the chamber....

US Households Lost Over $7,400 Under Biden

I reported in September that the Heritage Foundation estimated that the average American lost $4,200 since Biden became president. Within only a month, their...

Prepare for Election Promises to Crumble

Now that politicians have secured their positions in the elections prepare for the promises to fade. These people will say anything for our vote with no intention...

The Youth Still Votes Blue

Conservatives did not experience the red wave that they were hoping to see. Voting trends historically show the youth voting in favor of Democrats. As the quote...

Will 2022 be the most Corrupt Election since 53BC?

COMMENT: Marty, I love all that you do. I want to challenge anyone to find a county in the USA that is more corrupt that Harris County Texas (Houston) regarding...

Politics Globally is on a New Agenda

COMMENT from Thailand:  In Thailand, for the whole 2020, there is only 61 Covid deaths. Few months after mass vaccination there is 20000 “Covid”...

In Politics – People Want to Believe on What They Want to Hear

COMMENT: The post dealing with the mid-terms had this gem: “This is why all the Greek philosophers from Socrates to Plato were against democracy. It allowed a...

2022 A House Divided Eventually Falls

COMMENT: Marty, Once again your caution proved to be warranted. 2020 looks like it was a dry run for how Democrats will hold onto power….vote harvesting and...

The Midterm Elections – The Decline & Fall is in Motion

While the results are not final, where it stands now is unfortunately in line with what our computer has been projecting. The Senate will most likely remain in...