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Ballot Harvesting in Arizona

Biden received more votes than any president in US history, but not legally. There is documented evidence of people voting numerous times, and the documentary...

Biden Releasing Millions in Oil Reserves Ahead of Midterms

The Saudis admitted that Biden asked them to hold off on the next OPEC+ vote until after the midterm elections. Now, Joe Biden is planning to release 15 million...

Eagles Fans Heckle Jill Biden — Will Philly Turn Red?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong – Did you see this at last night’s game in Philadelphia (practically Biden’s backyard right near Delaware)? With the crowd so...

Voters’ Remorse

Americans are having voters’ remorse after the country took a sharp nose-dive into the ground under the Biden Administration. The economy has been destroyed along...

Biden Begs OPEC+ to Delay Vote Until After Midterms

Joe Biden is playing dirty before the midterm elections by urging Saudi Arabia to delay the OPEC+ oil vote until December. The Saudis, who unofficially run OPEC+,...

Kanye West – Can the Banks Cancel Someone?

Kanye West is a polarizing character, which is part of his celebrity. He says things to shock people and counter the current societal norms. He has long spoken out...

Macron Reminds Biden to Think Before Speaking

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me – unless you are a world leader! French President Emmanuel Macron has been warning US President...

Noncitizens Encouraged to Vote

This is yet another reason why voter identification is crucial. We show identification at the airport, DMV, and even at the doctor’s office. There is absolutely...

Liz Truss’ Approval Plummets

Truss inherited a beaten-down United Kingdom. The Bank of England declared that a recession was inevitable, sterling continues to fall, pension funds are...

Tulsi Gabbard is Right – The Democratic Party is a Cabal of Warmongers

Tulsi Gabbard, former representative for Hawaii’s second district, announced that she is fleeing the Democratic Party in a video that has made waves across the...