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Do You Feel Safe in America?

Crime has been rampant across America over the last two years. The economic downturn hurt low-income communities the most, and some are turning to crime for quick...

Average American Lost Over $4200 Under Biden

A new report by the Heritage Foundation claims that the average American had lost over $4,200 in annual income since Biden was sworn in due to rate hikes and...

Teen Killed Over Conservative Views – Killer Released on Bail

In Biden’s America, you can walk free after killing people who oppose your liberal political views. A 41-year-old man by the name of Shannon Joseph Brandt of...

When Did Illegal Immigration Become a Republican Issue?

Securing the border was previously a bipartisan issue. National security, before the age of 9/11, focused on keeping the US borders secure and free from foreign...

Biden Angers China Yet Again

As Americans, we are accustomed to our dementia-ridden commander-in-chief misspeaking and provoking war with major world powers. He nearly declared war on Russia,...

A One-Term President?

The debate continues on whether Joe Biden will run for re-election in 2024. Any sane citizen clearly would not encourage him to continue ruining America. The...

Putin & October

  Despite all the propaganda that was put out by John McCain, Putin was selected by Yeltsin because he was being blackmailed on the one side by the oligarchs...

Migrant Buses Arrive Outside Kamala Harris’ Home

Since Kamala Harris is smugly confident that the border is “secure,” Texas sent her a gift. Two buses filled with 100 migrants from Texas arrived outside...

The Time of Separation of the USA is Rapidly Approaching

QUESTION: Marty, is Steve Bannon another pre-election ploy to put a spike in the heart of Republicans for the elections? ZB ANSWER: Of course. Claiming that you...

Nancy Pelosi: Inside Trader of the Year

Pelosi knew when to sell! Paul Pelosi, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, sold off 25,000 shares of Nvidia. A month later, the US government banned Nvidia from...