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Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Marty, It appears the January 6th committee has prevented Stephen K. Bannon from showing his evidence and the right to defend himself including his...

Australia’s Rental Crisis

Renters across the globe are in a bad spot as housing has become unaffordable. The situation is particularly bad in Australia where rentals have reached a high not...

Obama Lashes Out at Former White House Physician for Questioning Biden’s Mental Health

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, a former White House physician under the Biden Administration, was reprimanded by former President Obama for admitting that everyone...

Draghi Out – The Dominoes Fall

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced his resignation on Thursday after he fell out of favor with the Five Star Movement. Similar to Boris Johnson, once...

Biden on Crack and Mass Incarceration

As if we needed more proof that the elites are beyond the law — disgraceful. Listen to the words coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth juxtaposed to a video...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plan to Rig the ’22 Mid-Terms

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plan to Rig the ’22 Mid-Terms Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Another Dead Politician

We warned that 2022 would be the year from political hell. There has been another assassination, but this time in Brazil. Brazil’s leftist opposition...

Low Poll Joe

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is at its lowest level – 29%. A majority of Americans, 58%, flat out disapprove of Biden’s work. Unsurprisingly, only 2%...

The DOJ Wants Illegal Immigrants to Vote

Who will vote for Biden after he destroyed the American economy? Perhaps illegal immigrants from Socialist countries who would have gratitude for even the lowest...

Never Forget
