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Biased Judge and Jury Find Sussmann Innocent

Michael Sussmann has been acquitted of lying to the FBI. The verdict comes as no surprise as the jury was personally selected to favor Sussmann, while the judge had...

Scapegoat Sussmann’s Biased Jury

The Michael Sussmann trial is completely corrupt and biased to favor the Clintons. Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for claiming there...

The Joys of Gun Control

“Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot… All these monsters began by confiscating private arms, then literally soaking the earth with the...

Newsom Hopeful for a Harris Presidency

Governor Newsom is promising Californians everything under the sun if they vote for him. Most recently, Newsom stated that he would not run for president if elected...

2000 Mules

“2000 Mules” is the new documentary everyone has been discussing. Its current audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is 100%, and interest in the film...

Biden’s Approval Rating Drops to New Low

Amid soaring inflation and a declining quality of overall life, Americans are beginning to wake up and realize that the current administration is on the wrong...

Trump: Where Do I Get My Reputation Back?

Former President Donald Trump has called Hillary’s Russian collusion lies one of “the greatest political scandals in history.” Hillary Clinton deliberately...

Who’s to Blame for Rising Gas Prices?

Back in 2007, Nancy Pelosi was quick to blame the Bush Administration for rising gas prices. In 2018, Pelosi tweeted, “The price of regular unleaded gas has...

Arrest Hillary Clinton and All Who Supported the Russian Collusion Hoax

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of manipulating the 2016 US Presidential Election. No one believed Donald Trump when he said that the Russian collusion narrative was...

Americans More Concerned with Inflation than Abortion

Sorry, Democrats, but Americans are more outraged that they cannot afford to live than whether others should be able to terminate pregnancies. A poll by Rasmussen...