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The Most Extreme Political Group in US History

Numerous Al-Qaeda members were living in the United States before the 9/11 tragedy — the worst disaster on US soil. None of the 19 terrorists were from...

Krystal Ball on Roe v. Wade and Political Manipulation

Krystal Ball provides a bipartisan view on the manipulation tactics that both Republicans and Democrats have been using throughout US history to gain votes. Remind...

Lying Biden

Biden has been lying to the public since he entered his political career decades ago. Yet, he allegedly received more votes than any US president in history. Trust...

Macron Won – One Giant Step toward World War III

Of course, Macron won amid allegations of vote tampering. If a ballot was torn in any way, which seems to have been those of Le Pen, they were just discarded. There...

The French Elections This Weekend & Fate of the World

The French election this weekend really does hold the fate of the world in balance. The victory of Macron will set the fate of Europe on its course with destiny and...

Laying Foundation for World War III

The revelations pouring out from John Durham are very enlightening which have confirmed that the Democrats for four years led by Hillary Clinton, set in motion the...

The Hidden Truth Behind War With Russia

The plot behind Ukraine is far deeper than anyone is willing to talk about publically. Yanukovich was corrupt and his sons were acting like a protection racket....