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Majority of US Democrats Approve of Trudeau Freezing Bank Accounts

If it happened there, it could happen anywhere. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has waged war against his own people, freezing their accounts, throwing them in jail,...

Ottawa Mayor Suggests Selling Confiscated Trucks

Mayor Jim Watson of Ottawa is proposing using the powers granted by the Emergencies Act to sell off the confiscated trucks. Over 170 people have been arrested along...

El Salvador’s President Criticizes Canada’s Democracy

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador criticized Canada’s actions toward the Freedom Convoy and declared that Trudeau has lost all credibility. “Are these the...

The Democracy Index

The Economist publishes an annual Democracy Index to rank nations based on their Democratic freedoms. The annual survey of 167 nations gauges five measures of...

Durham is only Scratching the Surface of Hillary

I found myself in the middle of a political scandal that nobody in the West was willing to dare write about – more dirt on the Clintons. Even now with the...

Most Democrats Do Not Want Biden to Run in 2024

The majority of Democrats (51%), stated that they do not want Joe Biden to run for office in 2024. The findings come from a CNN survey that polled 1,527 American...

Video from 1947 – Don’t Be a Sucker

This old film from 1947 serves as a warning — do not allow the government to divide us. The video discusses how the people came together as the German people...

Thank You Truckers

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, We want to thank you and the truckers for bringing awareness of what we are up against. We watched the emotionally explosive truck...

Trudeau is a Disgrace as a Head of State & Putin’s Approval Rating is nearly 2x Biden’s

  The Canadian Freedom Convoy may not have moved Trudeau. Trudeau takes his orders as a good graduate of the World Economic Forum’s young leader program...

Biden Violates His Own Agenda & the Constitution

Biden is saying he will only appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court violates the law, and all judges could file a class-action lawsuit for violating their Civil...