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Trump on Vaccine Mandates and Political Division

Former President Donald Trump told reporters at NPR that he believes the pandemic will eventually “phase out.” Although he has come under pressure for...

Supreme Court Saves the Nation Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

The Supreme Court saved the nation today unless you are a Democrat that only believes the party line. For the rest of us who are independent thinkers and realize...

What Happened On January 6, 2021?

After a year and hundreds of arrests, we still do not know what happened on January 6, 2021. Over 16 news agencies are urging the US government to release footage...

While Locking Down States, the Politicians Flee to Florida for Holidays

  There are numerous Democrats who have imposed un-American restrictions over COVID upon the people they represent but then fly to Florida to party and spend...

AOC: Rules for Thee but Not for Me

AOC has been partying it up on vacation in Miami, Florida while enjoying the freedoms that she denies to those in the state of New York. AOC has been spotted in...

The Invisible President

Where is the American president? No one has done more to stay out of the public eye than Joe Biden. Biden quickly passed 76 executive orders during his presidency,...

Why Medicine is Doomed When Politics Gets Involved

Carlos Tejada died of a heart attack one day after getting the Booster. He spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016. In July, he...

Kamala Defensive as Approval Rating Declines

  Someone is not happy about Joe Manchin slapping down the Build Back Better agenda. Vice President Kamala Harris embarrassed herself while being interviewed...

Populism/Democracy Must be Terminated!

The LEFT knows it is in serious trouble. This is why Biden had his Democracy Summit, which was a joke. Biden’s polls have collapsed. California is in crisis...

Manchin Votes No on Build Back Better

Sen. Joe Manchin has announced that he won’t support President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better package. The West Virginia Democrat, who has tried...