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What is the Motive

While everyone argues over vaccines and who created COVID, all of these debates and questions dominate 99% of the online agenda. There is something SERIOUSLY mining...

Is Stupidity Now a Requirement to be a Politician?

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has ordered that indoor public places statewide, including restaurants and shops, must order all staff and customers to either show...

Rep. Chip Roy: If We Don’t Stop It, This Country Will Not Survive

Watch Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) destroy the House by questioning government spending and a complete lack of communication between parties. The Democrats pushed forward...

Zarah Sultana MP: Rules for Thee but Not for Me

British Parliament Labour Party member Zarah Sultana has urged the public to wear masks. “I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber… I see most Tories not wearing...

The Hoax of Biden’s Democracy Summit

The #1 Fake News Network in the world, CNN, has gone after China and Russia for calling Biden’s Summit of Democracy a joke. Of course, CNN apparently does not...

Pro-Marxist Threat to the US Banking System Eliminated

  Saule Omarova will not become the next US Comptroller of the Currency after withdrawing her candidacy. Nominated by President Joe Biden, Omarova has come...

Mayor Bill de Blasio Issues Private Business Vaccine Mandate

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has implemented the first statewide vaccine mandate for private employees. Referring to the move as a “pre-emptive strike,”...

Biden – the Manchurian Candidate Decline & Fall of America

I have had long and disturbing conversations about what the HELL is really going on. The Constitution is being shredded under the Biden Administration and I have...

Pelosi: Rules for Thee but Not for Me

Rules for thee, but not for me! Nancy Pelosi, who wants to muzzle everyone, was spotted at a public event hosted by the California State Society without a mask. All...

PRIVATE BLOG – Are Things Starting to Change?

PRIVATE BLOG – Are Things Starting to Change? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...