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Biden Controversy in the Wind

For some time, there has been suggested that pages from Ashley Biden implying that Joe Biden molested his own daughter had been floating around. Project Veritas was...

Why Biden Does not Care About his Polls

Now the USA Today/Suffolk University survey showed just 37.8% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance in office. A whopping 70% say the US is headed in the...

The Virginia & NJ Elections Warn of Political Chaos in 2022

The upset in Virginia is very critical, as well as the close vote in New Jersey, where the odds were that the Democrat would win, 95% assured. McAuliffe faced a 52%...

Rigging the Virginia Elections

Reports are coming in that they are once again denying people the right to vote and it appears to be people who are Republican. This same scenario is playing out....

Chaos of the 2022 Elections on the Horizon

QUESTION: Hello! Wondering if the “Panic Cycles” surrounding the 2022 and 2024 elections are going to take place due to the hackable computerized...

Biden’s Abuse of the Military

  In WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and Afghanistan, we asked our soldiers to sacrifice their lives to preserve our liberties. Today, using this...

Have Some Democrats Lost their Mind?

Reliable sources have been warning for months that the extreme Democrats have been planning to impose mandatory vaccines to screw Independent and Republicans, for...

Turning Your Hatred of Trump Against Yourself

QUESTION: Do you think Trump was a better president? He was a moron! HJ ANSWER: I really think you are too caught up in this idea that the president is actually in...

Another Let’s Go Brandon