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Resistance is Building – Let’s Go Brandon

The number one song on iTunes, beating even Adele, was “Let’s go Brandon,” which was banned by YouTube because it is the new saying “F__k...

Senile Senators led by a Senile President

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who is also a physician, has suggested that the US begin implementing cognition tests for government leaders. “I’m told that there...

Schumer Confirms the Deep State Runs the Country

  Here is that interview people have asked about where Chuck Schumer confirms that no politician will EVER investigate the intelligence branch — NSA,...

Is Soros Trying to Overthrow the USA?

George Soros is providing money to perhaps essentially overthrow our way of life. He donated $500,000 in Austin, Texas, to defund the police in order to destabilize...

Soros is at it Again Lobbying for $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree

George Soros is 91 years old. Many pray every night for his departure from this world. His Quantum Fund was said to have been the inspiration behind the infamous...

Biden – No More Questions

  Everyone in the press is starting to notice that Biden is being handled. His staff immediately shuts down any questions, and he walks off the stage when...

The Most Corrupt Politician Perhaps in Australian History Forced to Resign & More

New South Wales’ most corrupt and controversial Liberal Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, was forced to announce her resignation due to being a target in an...

Yellen Refuses to Answer on Deficit Spending

    Whatever respect I once had for Yellen after her warnings to Draghi has been wiped out. Now that Janet Yellen is in the White House, she has shown...

Pelosi Pulls the Vote – Resistance is NOT Futile

The wicked witch of the West and all her flying monkeys could not push this insane $3.5 trillion spending spree that they think will buy votes for the Democrats at...