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Rigging Elections

There are allegations in California that Republicans found that they already allegedly voted Democrat, supporting Newsom. But this entire trend of rigging elections...

The End of Democracy?

QUESTION: Marty, I know you reported on the Canadian bill to suspend elections during a pandemic, do you think that is in the cards going ahead? HS ANSWER: I found...

California – Just Hopeless

As expected, California has voted not to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom and ABC News has been reporting that 67% of electors in Tuesday’s special election are...

The Dishonesty Behind the Headlines – Politicians You Just Cannot Trust

There are a lot of doctors and scientists who have been silenced over this entire COVID scam. This raises serious questions that the media, which has sold its soul...

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold, Elections & September ’21

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold, Elections & September ’21 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

2032 Revolutionary Cycle & Beyond

One of the major questions that come in is what do we face going into 2032 over the next 13 years and what will the world look like for our children post-2032. It...

The Biden Administration is a Joke

The Biden Administration is a complete disaster. As I have said, the Deep State got everything they ever dreamed of — the freedom to do as they like with no...

DEEP STATE v White House

People care more about the TV show Jeopardy and the qualifications to be a simple TV host than they do about the qualification to be President of the United States....

Once in a Blue Moon is Here

The old saying, only once in a Blue Moon is here. August 22/23 will be a Blue Moon and perhaps this is the omen for the decline and fall of the Biden...