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NYC Mayor Race 69% for Non-Politician – Trump Style Populism Again?

  The founder of Guardian Angels who stood against crime in NYC, Curtis Sliwa, took 69% of the Republican votes which looks like the populism of 2016 all over...

An Interview With Putin   Despite all the accusations thrown at Putin, my assessment of world leaders is clear that he is the most...

Biden & the Corruption or Just Klaus Schwab?

  Biden overruled his staff to lift sanctions on the Nordstream 2 pipeline against all the Build Back Better agenda of Klaus Schwab. Some people are wondering...

Biden Press Conference

  The interview of Biden was very interesting besides him losing his temper. Biden seriously mischaracterized the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian...

Reagan’s Humor


Biden Claims Military Said Greatest Threat is Global Warming not China or Russia?

  Who in his Administration wrote that speech? Perhaps they are on the payroll of Kerry and Klaus...

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Voted Out in Israel

Israel’s 120-member Knesset voted to swear in a new government Sunday, ending the historic 12-year rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The new prime...

The Inhumanity of Politicians

  COMMENT: You seem to have a very low opinion of those in government. Is that why they tried to silence you? WG ANSWER: Perhaps. It was the corruption in New...

JFK – REAGAN – TRUMP on Freedom

  COMMENT: Hi Martin, Re: your blog post about multiple Faucis…. Couldn’t agree more with your comments. Especially love this one: “I find it...