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The 2020 Election Fraud Continues

Everyone should be concerned about election fraud. In Georgia, 950 military ballots went 100% for Biden and came back in sequential order which is simply...

Dr Fauci – the Politician & Stooge of WEF

While Babylon Bee just did a roast of the lovable Dr. Fauci who keeps changing his recommendations and claims almost on a weekly basis, has suddenly said he does...

Comedy is Dead

I remember going to see Donald Rickles (1926–2017)  at the Latin Casino back in the day. There wasn’t a race, gender, or religion he left untouched. But he...

Using the Criminal Law to Target Trump & his Family

AG Letitia James revealed her investigation into the Trump Organization has gone from a civil probe to a criminal investigation. This is the way the law is used to...

Putin Won’t Recognize Biden as President of the United States

President Vladimir Putin is refusing to recognize Joe Biden as the president-elect of the United States. The Kremlin announced that they would continue to refuse to...

IMF Cryptocurrency is Coming to Dominate the World

The general talk has been that the end of the fiat monetary system is imminent. Central bank digital currencies allegedly threaten the US dollar, according to some...

Mental Health Pandemic

There is what many in psychology are calling the Shadow Pandemic. Depression among teenagers is widespread. They cannot cope with the lockdowns, and there is no...

The Biden Theatre

  Despite claims they are all vaccinated, they still wear masks and refuse to shake...

Why Republics Are Always the Worst Form of Government

COMMENT: I think the only woman he shook hands with, ironically, was Margery Taylor Green, if that was her – it’s hard to tell these days. Another...