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Volatility & Timing for the Inauguration

QUESTION: Do you see major volatility with the inauguration? FG ANSWER: We can see that volatility will rise this week for the 20th, it still does not seem to be...

The False Flag Coming this Week

A “false flag” is a term that goes back to the days of Pirates. They would fly a flag of a friendly country and then when they were close they would...

IMPEACHMENT – Urgent Clarification That Divides Country

I have endeavored to provide only reliable information. My sources are real, not imaginary conjuring up plots where Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and even...

PRIVATE BLOG – Political Models Confirm Political Bear Market into 2022

PRIVATE BLOG – Political Models Confirm Political Bear Market into 2022 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Hillary Advocated Violence – Is She a Domestic Terrorist?

  I find it really a double standard when Hillary advocated being uncivil by saying that civility can return ONLY when the Democrats control the government....

Retribution & Hatred

While the House impeached Trump for the 2nd time, this actually introduces a serious constitutional question. Most members cast their votes by proxy, under special...

Why is there no Effort to Heal the Country?

Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday ruled out invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pence...

Satire of the American Election or Reality?

MANCHUKISTAN: Social Media channels under the influence of self-declared presidential race winner Joseph Bidenski have banned Manchukistan’s incumbent opposition...

Schumer Begins the Domestic Terrorist Act – No Fly List

  Schumer is calling anyone who was in the Capitol Building are “insurrectionists” despite the fact the police let them inside and most were taking...

Politics & the Take Over of the USA by 2022

  QUESTION: Do you think this was meant to be like a 911 event to use against the people with Domestic Terrorism legislation? VB ANSWER: Yes. There was an...