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New York & California losing Seats as the Mass Exodus continues

  The two states that are dictating what goes down in Washington are California with Pelosi in the House and New York with Schumer. Now they will reap what...

Why Biden is the Perfect President   In all honesty, what people call “natural law” is simply a vague body of moral principles regarded as...

Election Fraud Cases Continue   The importance of continuing to challenge the election really has nothing to do with reversing the election to...

Public Corporate Political Activism is Fraud & Should Be DELISTED from Exchanges

QUESTION: Would you cut off a corporate client who is endorsing this WOKE movement? LD ANSWER: Any corporation seeking to take our models while joining...

Resistance is not Futile – it is Inevitable

Comment from Ireland: It seems your 2018 article was correct & more or less on time. “From a cyclical perspective, if we begin on August 15th, 1969, then...

WOKE = Divide & Conquer

I seriously doubt that people understand the true implications of how these governments have handled this pretend pandemic which has a kill ratio of a minimal...

Politics – What a Mess

Well, 46% of Americans said they would entertain a run for the White House by “The Rock,” and why not? How much worse could he possibly do? In fact,...

Are Democrats all Evil?

QUESTION: You always bash the Democrats. Do you think they are all evil? AD ANSWER: No. I don’t think you understand how Washington works. You can vote for a...

SNL Shows whoever is President – They are Fair Game

  The Washington Post has never, at least that I recall, critiqued an SNL skit. They just could not help themselves to rush to the defense of Biden. This...