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California Allows Member of the Communist Party to Run for Government

  There are many people writing in about California and how they are looking to get out ASAP. Some are pointing to the fact that the Left has gone totally...

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members...

Election Allegations

  The Election Analysis...

Senate Acquits Trump as Expected

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump a second time Saturday after a historic impeachment trial which was totally unconstitutional since Trump was no...

Call to Criminally Prosecute Cuomo for Hiding Death Counts in Nursing Homes

  Cuomo’s staff has admitted that they deliberately understated the deaths in nursing homes to protect Governor Cuomo who ordered that COVID patients...

Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support

Biden told the press before calling Governor DeSantis of Florida was “irresponsible” for opening up when other states were locked down. Biden objected...

Gavin Newsom For President?

  Nancy Pelosi is even lobbying Newsom to appoint Adam Schiff as attorney general because these people simply cannot get a real job. Gavin Newsom was born in...

Swamp Strikes Back

  The movement against capitalism is very broad and the politicians have caused this crisis to further their agenda. Governments were shaken by the election of...

Six Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump Led by Mitt Romney – Of Course

The Senate wrapped up initial arguments on Tuesday and is set to begin hearing evidence Wednesday in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. History will remember...