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Protests in Europe Continue – Lockdowns & Curfews were a Tool of Hitler

    In Germany, some police are still anti-human rights, using their authority to beat people up for protesting. When a revolution does come, such people...

Veritas Exposes CNN & They Have Blood on their Hands for Creating a Fear & Panic

  Project Veritas has exposed CNN for what it truly is – an anti-American propaganda machine intent upon overthrowing everything we thought our future...

WOKE = Divide & Conquer

I seriously doubt that people understand the true implications of how these governments have handled this pretend pandemic which has a kill ratio of a minimal...

Fake News is Part of Revolution

A Texas man who allegedly planned to bomb an Amazon Web Services data center in Virginia was arrested Thursday, according to the US Attorney for the Northern...

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States has been Going on for Thousands of Years – It’s Just Our Turn!

COMMENT: Marty: I was re-reading Herodotus and saw early in his book a reference to the rise and fall of civilizations pertinent to the concept of capital flows:...

Is it Taxes or Debt Default Which Cause Revolution?

QUESTION: Marty, do you agree with other analysts who claim debt defaults create revolutions? From reading your work for decades now, I think you would say it was...

The Enslavement of Fear

QUESTION: I just can’t understand why the military armed forces and secret intelligence services all agree with the Marxist left.  Why? MG ANSWER: Make no...

The Rule of Law Crumbles

  The House Judiciary ranking member Rep. Doug Collins delivered a speech on the floor against the Impeachment. What he points out is critical. Pelosi declared...

Pelosi’s Laptop & Conspiracy Theories

  Look, the siege of the Capital was clearly a staged event. They allowed people in because there were other operatives there as well. Here is a video of men...