Romania Preparing for Revolution
March 10, 2025
Serious Civil Unrest is erupting in Romania, and this is just getting started. Angry Georgescu supporters are taking to the streets in Bucharest. They have...
RomaniaCorrupt Government Romania Bans Georgescu with No Reason
March 9, 2025
The electoral bureau actually came out, showing how Corrupt Romania truly is today. They adopted “the rejection of the registration of the independent...
RomaniaThe Truth Behind Romania
March 4, 2025
QUESTION: I read your post on Romania. Why have the EU and US interfered in the Romanian election? Is it just because they would be anti-EU? But then why was the US...
RomaniaRomanian Uprising thanks to EU & US Interference in Their Election
March 3, 2025
The Romanians, I suppose, must all be far-right, but that is the current mood, and the interference in their election has only increased the anti-corrupt...
RomaniaBlinken Interfering Romanian Elections
January 3, 2025
The American NEOCONS are interfering in elections, as always. Blinken ran off to Romania like Biden in Ukraine in July 2014, all to overturn the election in...
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