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Rule of Law

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Raid Undermines the US Internationally

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Raid Undermines the US Internationally Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Roe v Wade Overruled – Statutory v Constitutional

Roe v Wade is correctly overruled not because abortion itself for the court did not overrule that superficially, but instead, it held: “The Constitution does...

Speeding Ticket – Just Blame Putin

Man Blames Putin for Speeding...

The Judiciary Refuses to Rule on the 2020 Election

The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the lawsuit calling into question the 2020 election. The media immediately jumps on it saying that the lawsuit...

Biden Adopts the Same Strategy as Hitler to Cancel Free Speech

Every dictatorship throughout history established a propaganda arm which they have typically called variations of the “Ministry of Truth.” The Russian USSR...

Overruling Roe v Wade – To Be or Not To Be

When Roe v Wade was decided, it was highly questionable both on a constitutional level as well as on a moral basis. The basic religious objection stems from the Ten...

Justice Jackson

QUESTION: So what do you think of the Supreme Court nominee? DA ANSWER: It is a joke. Biden ruled out everyone other than a black woman, which is in itself racist....

Biden Needs to Be Impeached for Violating the Constitution Impacting the World

The Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 specifically lists as a power of Congress – the power “to declare War,” which unquestionably gives the...

Ketanji Brown Jackson is Neither a Biologist nor Fit for the Supreme Court

Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a pedophile sympathizer who wants to dismantle the ideologies that founded America. Biden’s only...

Durham is only Scratching the Surface of Hillary

I found myself in the middle of a political scandal that nobody in the West was willing to dare write about – more dirt on the Clintons. Even now with the...