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Rule of Law

Political Prosecution of  Julian Assange Rejected by British Judge

A British judge rules against the abuse of political prosecution of  Julian Assange which has become standard in the United States and Congress refuses to ever...


Trump filed in Supreme Court Today – Triumph of Hope over Experience?

The Trump campaign has filed an emergency motion in the Supreme Court on Sunday to reverse Pennsylvania’s state court rulings that “illegally changed” the...

The Supreme Court Denies Rumors but not the Substance

The Supreme Court has come out and made a statement denying that Chief Justice Roberts screamed in a room because they met by phone. This shows that they have been...

Should the Supreme Court be Sanctioned?

A report has come out from a clerk in the Supreme Court describing what took place when the Texas case came up. Chief Justice Roberts said he did not give a...

Supreme Court Yields to Deep State & Loses all its Integrity

Sidney Powell’s filings at the Supreme Court for Georgia and Michigan were given a response date of January 14th which means they then claim it is untimely...

Electoral College Challenges are Routine

QUESTION: How can you support Trump when he tried to overturn electoral college votes? That’s illegal and tyrannical. WG ANSWER: You are speaking out of your...

Trump should Pardon Edward Snowden

Trump should issue presidential pardons to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Elizabeth Manning. He should also grant pardons to his entire family because...

PRIVATE BLOG – Sidney Powell on Actions Pending

PRIVATE BLOG – Sidney Powell on Actions Pending Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You

COMMENT: So now something that has been on the books for 95 years is suddenly a problem and UNCONSTITUTIONAL? So now it`s unfair to 1 man who in 4 years his only...