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Rule of Law

Is it Time to Break-Up the United States?

COMMENT #1: This expo I heard appeals to reason First,, they needed the mail in ballots. Next, the public needed to see Biden always leading, so their manufactured...

Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

  Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey should be Imprisoned for violating the Civil Rights under 18 USC 241 of the American People and Congress cannot by Section 230 grant...

Anti-Lockdown Protestors Are Being Called Conspiracy Theorists

The fourth anti-Lockdown protest erupted in London once again. Wikipedia, the leftist controlled pretend neutral media platform, has compiled a list of lockdown...

Shareholders Pay the Fines & The Bankers Get the Bonuses

You will never see a banker EVER go to jail or be charged individually because there is no money in that. They will always charge just the bank so they get these...

Democrats Amend the Constitution

  It is very interesting how the Democrats are introducing a Constitutional Amendment to create a body that will remove a president because of his inability to...

Why the Delay of the Durham Report? Intentional?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: I am discouraged but even more angry about the non-action of the Justice Dept. And the drip drip drip of the Russian investigation...

A Matter of Free Speech & Tyranny of Facebook Etc.

COMMENT: I live in Wisconsin. There has been an anti-mask group on Facebook that has been a good resource for posting and messaging about mask mandates etc etc etc....

Judge Amy Coney Barrett vows to Follow Justice Scalia

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett intends to honor her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia in her opening speech to the Senate. As I have explained,...

International Lawsuits Being Prepared Against The Corona Scam

Appointees to the Supreme Court Are Not Required to Appear Before the Judiciary Committee under the Constitution

    We now have this nonsense put forth by Schumer that McConnel is destroying the institution of the Senate by appointing a justice to the Supreme Court...