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Rule of Law

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the...

Comey & Lynch Subpoenaed Before Republicans Leave

The Battle is On. The House Republicans issued subpoenas to former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch before the Democrats take...

Woman Sent to Prison for 10 years for Lying about Graduating Elementary School to Get a Job

A Greek cleaning lady was sentenced to 10 years in prison for lying about her elementary school record in a court ruling. Her sentence has outraged the people and...

Is the American Court System Hopeless? Acosta of CNN Should Be Banned & Cannot have a First Amendment Right Legally

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You are rather famous in legal circles and the fact it took the Supreme Court to agree to hear your case before they released you is...

CNN v White House

CNN has filed suit over Trump banning Acosta from the White House claiming they have a First Amendment right. Trump says CNN’s Jim Acosta is ‘bad for...

Attorney Michael Avenatti ARRESTED for alleged Domestic Violence

Attorney Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump, and has brought other women...

Should the Women who Made Knowingly False Statement in the Kavanaugh Hearing Be Criminally Prosecuted?

Sen. Chuck Grassley has asked the FBI to investigate another person he says made false claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Previously, an...

Can Trump end Birthright Citizenship?

On this score, President Tump in his latest claim that he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order is WRONG. On this subject, he is correct that a...

INJUSTICE For All – the real creed children should be saying in any pledge of Allegiance

Thousands of legal immigrants are facing a critical decision after their “Temporary Protected Status” ends. Those who have had children who have been...

Hillary Defends Bill’s Affair with Monica as OK in light of the Kavanaugh hearings

Hillary is all over the press defending Bill’s affairs because as always, the Clintons are the exception to all laws. In light of the vicious attack that the...