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Putin says Lenin Destroyed 1,000-Year-Old Russia   Putin reveals what he thought about Lenin’s entire Communist movement, making it clear...

Russian Troops Moving to Ukrainian Border

  We have confirmed, as stated on the private blog, that Russian troops are being moved to the Ukrainian border. The movement of Russian military equipment...

Putin’s Warnings at the World Economic Forum

Putin’s speech at the World Economic Forum was quite insightful. He said that we “are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic...

CIA Confirms RussiaGate Made up by Hillary

  In all my years of having to deal with politicians around the world, I have NEVER witnessed such a complete collapse in all integrity. Even in this video,...

FT’s Interview of Putin 2019

  To understand the confrontation between the USA and Russia, and the future of the world monetary system, it is always important to listen to the opposition...

Gates’ Dream of Controlling the World is Hitting a Brick Wall

Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone....

China v USA

QUESTION: Obviously, China is not Hitler or Napoleon with dreams of conquering the world. The days of empire building are gone. China has always been the one who is...

We are Headed into War

There is clearly a new Cold War that has begun between China and the United States which is not going to end nicely. This is the direct result of this Politically...

Bernie Sanders Takes Lead – Democrats Blame Russia

Bernie Sanders leads the Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. The fact that Joe Biden is now running in fourth place has the Democrats...