Gamma-Rays – Solar Minimum – Volcanoes – Human Immune System
August 21, 2020
QUESTION: Disease cycle and two way streets I had a small light come on for me that is big. Here it is, what if during the Disease cycle that is linked to the sun...
Disease ScienceLife After Death
December 12, 2017
QUESTION: Do you believe in life after death? JH ANSWER: This is an area of personal belief which varies from one person to the next and there is no right or wrong....
Religion ScienceSex with Robots? 49% of Men say they would Give it a Try – Women 9%
October 18, 2017
Well, there seems to be a new sex revolution emerging – sex with robots with Artifical Intelligence. It may seem completely nuts, but something is going on. A...
ScienceThe Origin of Consciousness?
March 5, 2017
The daunting question plaguing humanity has always been what is consciousness? Is consciousness everything yet nothing specific at the same moment? Where did it...
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