South Asia
India Fails to Lower Tax on Gold
March 16, 2016
India surprised everyone. They did not remove the tax on gold and in fact increased it. India is the number-one consumer of gold jewelry. Sales have declined...
Gold South AsiaIndia & the Hunt for Money
February 13, 2016
COMMENT: hi marty, i am from india. You ve no idea how much your blogs have helped me understand the duplicity of our governments. The Government has made mandatory...
South Asia The Hunt for Taxes World EventsIndia & New Highs
August 11, 2015
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is wonderful that you have come to India. I only regret that you are not conducting an open conference here in Mumbai. I appreciate that...
South AsiaHello from Mumbai/Bombay
August 9, 2015
I received a lot of emails after announcing that I would be in India this coming week. Here I am, updating from Mumbai, which was Bombay up until 1995. Mumbai is...
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