Catalonia is not Just About Spain – it is About Brussels!!
October 23, 2017
There are of course those in Spain who side against Catalonia. Others write who are in Catalonia yet disagree with the separatists. Let me make this very clear. It...
European Union Politics SPAINRajoy Continues to Act in the Spirit of Franco Warning Spain Cannot be Trusted?
October 22, 2017
Spain is showing that it truly remains a fascist state in the spirit of Franco and Rajoy plans to just seize Catalonia. Meanwhile, the Catalan citizens’...
European Union Politics SPAINFinally Belgium Speaks Out Against Spanish Oppression
October 16, 2017
The Belgium Prime minister Charles Michel has come out against Spain and now other European leaders applaud him for taking a position against the repressive action...
SPAINMadrid Threatens Imprisonment & Death to Catalonia Leaders?
October 11, 2017
The Spanish Government is clearly fascist and cannot escape that stigma. The day before the appearance of Carles Puigdemont in front of the regional...
Politics SPAINMadrid Waged Cyber-War & Catalonia Votes Overwhelmingly to Leave Spain
October 7, 2017
Catalonia voted overwhelmingly to secede from Spain. Of course, the hard line invasion of riot police who beat and threatened the people discouraged many from...
Politics SPAINEU Press Release Show They Support Tyranny
October 4, 2017
The press release put out by the EU is just amazing. A dictator can write any law he desires declaring something to be illegal. The EU relies upon that unethical...
European Union SPAINSpanish & Italian Bonds Hit
October 2, 2017
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the Spanish and Italian bonds are getting hit. You were spot on again. RW REPLY: Yes the peripheral spreads on the Spanish government...
European Union Politics SPAINGoogle Supporting Tyranny?
October 1, 2017 Anyone who supports the Spanish Madrid government is no different than those who supported the Kings of...
Politics SPAINSpain Reveals EU Does Not Stand For Human Rights & Making Revolution Inevitable
October 1, 2017
The Spanish state police violence have turned against the people showing that they are clearly still a fascist reign supported by troops. Riot officers have been...
European Union Politics SPAINRajoy Shuts Down Airspace & Orders Google to Stop Assisting Separatists
September 30, 2017
The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy is becoming a disgrace to the image of a free society and is illustrating what governments do in a Private Wave –...
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