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Is it Time to Turn the Lights Out on Turkey and just Take Your Losses and Run?

Just when you thought President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was really off the reservation, he suddenly appears off the planet. Erdogan has appointed HIMSELF as chairman...

The Rumors are that Turkey Will Default

The rumors running around is that Turkey will default as Erdogan decides to move to align with Iran and Russia and leave the West behind. While there have been...

Brunson – the Alleged Pastor

    The Turkish court has rejected the appeal to release Andrew Brunson, who is the alleged US pastor at the center of a dispute between Ankara and...

Erdogan Has His Boys Out Burning only $1 Bills for Propaganda   Erdogan has his boys dressed in suits burning only a handful of US ONE DOLLAR bills as a nice propaganda piece....

Turkey & the Erdogan Who Puts Himself Before His People

Erdogan refuses to release the American “Pastor Brunson” and instead he is turning to everyone else offering now to open direct investment in Turkey....

The Turkey Crisis Cannot Be Resolved without Regime Change

The key to understanding Turkey is really simple – Erdogan has lost the confidence of his people and the world. The free-fall in the Turkish lira...

The Crisis is Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is finding his dreams of an all-powerful resurrection of the Ottoman Empire are falling apart. Qatar has come to the aid...

Qatar to help Turkey by $15 Billion Loan

There has been a lot of lobbying behind the curtain going on asking Qatar to change its position and help Turkey for the IMF would not be able to come to the...

Turkey & Foolish European Banks

Erdogan is shifting to Russia already. He will abandon the West all to retain power. Turkey was the critical lynch-pin for emerging markets. Many foolish banks ran...

Turkey Approaching the Point of No Return as Erdogan Blames the Currency Decline on USA

Turkey has little hope of coming out of this in one piece. The pretend President-Dictator, Tayyip Erdogan, has come out and denied on Saturday that Turkey is in a...