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Austria & Hungary Refuse to give Weapons to Ukraine

The people who are pushing for World War III attack anyone who tells the truth about Ukraine is suddenly a “Putin Supporter” when in fact they are the...

Europe will be Destroyed over Ukraine

While Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been pushing back against demands of Ukraine for fighter jets now after the tanks, there have been those in Germany eager to...

Didn’t Ukraine Become Sovereign in 1918?

QUESTION: I thought Ukraine claimed it was independent in 1918. Was that not then a country? PH ANSWER:  In the aftermath of World War I which began in 1914, that...

Why Would Poland Ever Support Ukraine?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong. I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t...

Will Zelensky Resign?

This is a very disturbing undercurrent in Ukraine. Many are starting to question Zelensky on many levels and his comments at Davos that he even questioned if Putin...

Kissinger Sells Out on Ukraine?

QUESTION: Martin, what do you have to say about Kissinger now? I am sure many want to know. AP ANSWER: Well I had hoped that Henry could have made it to the WEC...

Zelensky’s Holy War – Seizing Russian Churches

COMMENT: Marty, I just read that Ukraine seized control of a Russian Orthodox Church that has been there for a century. You were correct. Zelensky has also made...

Zelensky – The Man Behind World War III

  Zelensky is just an actor and he has been playing the entire world into handing him money without any accountability. He claims he is fighting for freedom...

Ukraine & Fake News

  COMMENT: Marty, I am impressed. Your contacts are unsurpassable. You put out two months ago that Ukraine lost 100,000 soldiers. Some did not believe you. It...