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Russia Denies they Were Their Missiles

  Russia has come out and denied that their missiles entered Poland. It is time the West calls out Zelensky for what he is – a ruthless liar who should...

Ukraine False Flag?

Information is surfacing that we may be dealing with another Ukrainian desperate attempt to create World War III and that the missiles fired were from Ukraine. This...

PRIVATE BLOG – Poland another Ukrainian False Flag – Again?

PRIVATE BLOG – Poland another Ukrainian False Flag – Again? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...

Zelensky Wants WWIII Bringing Death & Destruction to the Entire World

With most con artists, you need to count your fingers after shaking hands. With the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, you have to make sure you still have...

Ukraine & its Horrible Dark Past is Taking the World Down With It

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I. Deep seated hatred You have written frequently how hate in a country keeps on running deep as result of intense war violence long time ago....

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine Update

PRIVATE BLOG – Ukraine Update Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Ukraine was Never a Country until 1991

Map showing how Borders have Changed over the centuries for which we are to die for Ukraine was NEVER a country until 1991 east of the river. That is why Bandara...

Zelensky Still Pushing to Start World War III

Ukraine is doomed unless it removes Zelensky from power. I have warned that this guy whose only qualification is to dance in high heels, is a threat to the entire...



Zelensky Profiting from the War

A lot of people say I am wrong and Zelenski has a hell of a lot more than $100 million already stashed offshore. I am fully aware that the number being thrown...