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Ukraine General Warns of Nuclear War

QUESTION: Reuters is now saying that the Ukrainian general says Russia will use tactical nukes. What do you see as the risk? PC ANSWER: You would think that someone...

Is Russia Losing?

The Ukrainian army is at least one-third larger than it was last year and some claim it has doubled in size. They have been concentrating their effort, not on the...

Will the Real President Please Stand Up!

President Biden on Friday declined to rule out Ukraine having to cede part of its territory to Russia in order to end this standoff with Moscow. Biden claims he...

Putin & Ukrainian Propaganda

The rumors keep flying that Putin has cancer and has a maximum of three years to live. The stories are claiming he is ‘losing his eyesight’ but all of this is...

Soros Promoting World War III – Let’s Go!

  The pieces are starting to come together in this grand plot to fulfill George Soros’ dream – One World Government. After Soros’ speech at...

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States...

Jill Biden Goes to Ukraine – Not Joe

They are calling it a first, for this is the first time a First Lady has ever been sent to a war zone. This illustrates the crisis in Washington. Biden’s...

An Important German Documentary on Ukraine

  This is a MUST-watch Documentary from a German journalist who was on the ground back in 2015 showing how this Ukrainian Civil War began. It is important to...

Zelensky & World War III

Our computer warned back in 2013 that Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. I warned that the ONLY way to prevent that was to split Ukraine...