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4.3 Million Quit Jobs in August – Vaccines?

The numbers are out — 4.3 million people in the US quit their jobs in August. This is the largest number since 2000. The leading sector is hotels and...

Pfizer Using Aborted Fetuses for Vaccines

  Pfizer is deliberately hiding the fact that they are using aborted fetal tissue in order to prevent religious exemptions both from governments and the...

Finland Bans Moderna Vaccine for Men Under 30 – More Corruption

It is no longer a question of anti-vax vs. vax. We are engulfed in the most politically corrupt era in government that Big Pharma has bought its way into...

Qantas Airlines – Get the Jab or You’re Fired

  There really is something seriously wrong with all of these companies complying with politicians who are insane or have been bribed. Sweden and Norway...

I Bought a Politician Everywhere

There is something that Fauci is denying — natural immunity. All the studies show that survivors of previous plagues were immune and actually lived longer...

Mandating Vaccines Win in Courts

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Here in Australia our last legal hope hinged on a case in the NSW Supreme court against mandatory vaccinations. I personally donated to this...

Politician Claims God Gave us this Vaccine

  Blasphemy is generally defined as the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things, synonymous with irreverence and disrespect of God...

Earl’s Restaurant in Vancouver Has Unvaccinated Arrested

  There is a protest in Vancouver to boycott Earl’s, where they allegedly called the cops and had a man arrested for not having a COVID passport. If...

Do Vaccinated Pregnant Women in Their First or Second Trimester have an 81.8% Chance of Miscarriage?

  You have to wonder why universities are suddenly investigating if the vaccines are causing abortions. The government appears to have been playing around with...