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Are we Heading into a Food Shortage?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it really distasteful that you laid out events well in advance and then everyone copies you without ever giving you credit. There are...

Food Riots of 1795 Due to Climate Change

The British had a long tradition of striking tokens for political purposes. There were political tokens against the American Revolution. Some pictured Thomas Paine...

Government Ordering Agriculture Be Removed From Commodity Indexes

I am in Europe ahead of the May elections as the crisis begins to build. It appears that the powers that be may be talking about Global Warming to justify more...

Farmers going Bankrupt – A Prelude to a Boom?

Part of the cycle for a commodity boom is typically preceded by a commodity depression in which the productive capacity is reduced. We are witnessing that in the...

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist....

Growing Food Inside

There are a number of options for growing food inside which can be considered. There are even companies that set up indoor farms for restaurants such as Farmshelf....

Why Has Farmland Exploded in Price? The Accidental Trend Correlation

  Most people have little idea WHY big money was targeting buying farmland in Canada, USA, and Australia. It was more than just Chinese investment. With...

Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever

The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the...

Florida Orange Trees Dying from Cold?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the Global Cooling has been creeping lower and lower into Northern Florida that the citrus crops are being affected to the...

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner...