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Saudi Arabia threatens to Privatize its Oil and Exit OPEC?

Saudi Arabia may actually be exiting OPEC. There are serious discussions about floating the state owned oil producer Aramco. Saudi Arabia attempted to get other...

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how...

Gold – Oil – Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the...

The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t

Governments first imposed taxes on alcohol and cigarettes under the claim that they were trying to make people stop for their own good. But as always, as the...

Trade War with Russia Disguised as Sanctions?

The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by...

Oil & Pegs

QUESTION: First question: Disappointed I have not heard an opinion concerning OPEC’s continuation of reducing oil out put. Can the US shale drillers fill the...

US to Sell Off its Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves

The US government plans to sell half of the Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves and gasoline. The days of OPEC embargoes of the 1970s are now long past....

Flammable Ice

  The big story in Asia has been that China made a major breakthrough being able to extract gas from what people call “Flammable Ice” located...

Is There Really More Oil in The Golan Heights than in Saudi Arabia? Who’s Genie Energy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I live in Israel and today I listened to your podcast with Macrovoices. At some point you mentioned that there is more oil in Golan heights...

Largest New Discovery of Oil in USA Puts USA in Top Ten

Another major discovery of oil has been made in Alaska of 1.2 billion barrels. It is the largest find of conventional oil for 30 years on US territory. The...