Iran Tries to Kill Petro-Dollars But They Know Not What They Do
February 10, 2016
Iran has begun to sell oil, but in euros. They think this is some sort of blow to the USA, but in fact, they are taking on the currency risk of the euro. This could...
EnergyGold/Oil Ratio: Is It Really Making Record Highs?
February 2, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Mining ran a chart of the gold/oil ratio pointing out that conventional wisdom has placed the two together on the theory that rising oil...
Energy Gold Q&ACrude – Is it Over? Or Just Another Fake-Out?
January 29, 2016
Crude has made a slight bounce, but it need desperately to close above $32.35 today just to pause. There is no change of a real reversal in trend here. Crude would...
EnergyMining Industry in Collapse
January 29, 2016
The mining industry is collapsing. Everyone expanded dramatically because they never expected China to stop buying. The loading up of debt is likely to get many...
December 24, 2015
First of all, someone is claiming that I put out some recommendation on DUST. I have NEVER recommended such an ETF and this appears to be a deliberate attempt to...
Energy ForecastsEvil People in High Places? Or Just Coincidence?
December 24, 2015
Dick Cheney is best known for being the head of Halliburton who then became Vice President. Cheney moved his office directly in the White House and ran the...
Energy Forecasts World EventsCommodity-Based Countries to Liquidate Wealth Funds & Gold
December 19, 2015
QUESTION: Marty, at the Berlin cocktail party you said we may yet see gold sales from oil producing countries if oil breaks your yearly number of $35 for year end...
Energy Forecasts Gold Q&AOil & The Commodity Risk
August 27, 2015
COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I work in engineering and last year I was offered a position back in a major North Sea oil company. The reason I turned it down was due to...
Energy Q&ADubai & the Middle East
August 16, 2015
The general perception that Middle Eastern countries are flush with cash and deliberately try to keep oil down to harm Iran when it begins to sell is rather...
Energy Forecasts Middle East Real EstateDeath of Oil & EM Drive
August 11, 2015
When it rains, it pours. For the last 15 years there have been rumblings surrounding the possibility of creating the impulse engine in “Star Trek”....
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